New Trends in Employee Engagement

 New Trends in Employee Engagement

Due to dynamic changes in business environment employee engagement is also subject to changed. That is why there are new trends impacting on various practices including employee engagement. According to Terry (2021), there are new trends in employee engagement in 2021 where the focus has changed for the better. 

Due to the current working climate influenced by global pandemic, remote working is being practiced and there is need of instant communication between employees. Therefore, internal communication goes digital with instant digital communication methods like emails, instant chats and social media and even there are tendency for using employee apps and employee engagement software (Polovin, 2021).  

The approach of one-size-fits-all has not outdated since there should be personalization in the communication use by companies. Therefore, there is a need of having flexible and adaptable employee engagement models considering the trend for personalised employee communication (Terry, 2021). This will include personalised messages, personalised strategies and even use of personalised communication methods. 

Obtaining feedback from employees is identified as one of the important necessities for the organizations. Employee voice becomes main factor to consider in order to made decisions in the workplaces (Polovin, 2021). That is why the trend of indispensable employee feedback is recognized to consider by many organizations today. 

According to The HR Team (2021) an increased emphasis on diversity, equity and inclusion is considered as an emerging trend in 2021 in order to make positive impacts on work performances in employees and organizations as diversified work teams tend to perform better. 


Polovin, G., (2021). Employee Engagement Trends 2021 - SoGoSurvey Blog. [online] SoGoSurvey Blog. Available at: [Accessed 20 August 2021].

Terry, M., (2021). Employee Engagement Trends for 2021: Focus has Changed for the Better. [online] Talkfreely. Available at: [Accessed 20 August 2021].

The HR Team. (2021). The New Face of Employee Engagement: Trends for 2021 and Beyond. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 August 2021].


  1. Agreed with the argument you have mentioned. As you mentioned banking becomes one of the key service providers in worldwide with the prominent of advanced technology, prompt communication tools, e-commerce, online and digital facilities (Sharma & Dutta, 2016). But it is better to evaluate that whether is it possible to cater employee recruitment while process automation of banking sector is in practicing. With the process automating, requirement of manpower of the industry becomes decrease which may also be affected to banking industry also. Banking operations like voucher posting, accounting, consolidation of general ledger can be automated by digitalization so such positions like clerical cadre, middle level officers may lose their jobs (Meena & Perimalarani, 2020).

    1. Agreed with your suggestions. However Banks unable run full automation or digitalization as per the guide lines given by Central Bank of Sri Lanka (Banking Act, 2006)

  2. Agreed with you. There is a new banking system introduced called Neo Bank. a bank with no physical branches and which only offers its services digitally. This is different to online banking or mobile banking, as those services are complementary to a traditional bank with physical branches (Laura H., 2021)

  3. While agreeing with the comments above, there is a growing need to improve working conditions so that the reduction of the management structure can maintain or even exceed its performance (Delanoeije, 2020). This concern has given rise to what the scientific literature indicates as NewWays ofWorking(NWW) (Hendrickx, 2018). An increasing number of organizations have been looking to implement NWWs in search of a readjustment of their management practices to stay competitive in the market, reduce operating costs and increase productivity (Blok et al., 2012).

    1. According to Tella (2007) Managing people at work is an essential part of the
      management process. Employees are very important for the organizations, there is need to know that organization and employees are same and they have same worth for each other. Such type of organizations doesn’t look towards their capital
      investment instead of it thinks about employees who are the fundamental source of improvement. A well managed and effective organization will make sure that there is communication, cooperation and sense of commitment and also satisfaction among workers. For the sake of making employees satisfied and committed to their jobs, there is necessity for strong and effective motivation at different levels.

  4. In the present COVID‐19 pandemic situation, employee engagement has become one of the utmost prominent primacies in organizations due to imposing lockdown. Organizations nowadays are constantly developing innovative and effective means to engage the employees during this tough time. organizations are emerging many engagement activities like virtual learning and development, online team building activities and webinars meeting(Chanana, 2021)

    1. Agreed and Robertson (2012)also says to enhance employee engagement in difficult times, organizations should make more efforts toward the employees so that employees feel that their organization is genuinely interested in them.

  5. Agreed. During the pre-pandemic most of the companies use technology as a cost reduction method, which has now become a necessity, the importance is to understand how it impacts the employee motivation best, and the ideal model will be Maslow (1943) hierarchy framework. Taking esteem ego as an example there were employees used to appreciate and recognize in regular meetings. But after pandemic esteem needs have been compromised, managers and peers could no longer keep the feedback loop going and offer recognition, as a solution digital reward system were introduced – exe blockchain technologies, digital communication methods.

    1. Yes and also Masson (2009) suggested that leaders should effectively communicate to employees toward their career growth, so that employees trust that development processes are fair and equitable. Supervisors should be transparent and to help employees identify their developmental needs and also enhance their skills during tough times.

  6. Yes, employee engagement is an exciting concept over the last decades. Thus, at present organizations more focus on people-first culture, work-life harmony, redefine “human" HR, gender equality, women empowerment & women safety in the workplace, give opportunities for career growth and workplace wellness to improve employee engagement (Dutta, 2021).

    1. Agreed and May et al. (2004) showed that meaningfulness, safety, and availability of psychological condition are positively associated with engagement.

  7. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most organizations innovate distance learning means. Instead of using traditional means of delivering training programs, using video communication tools and e-learning programs were introduced. According to the annual report of Bank of Ceylon Sri Lanka they have used Ms. Teams, Zoom, and the "tvBOC" channel as video communication tools, and many e-learning programs were conducted to overcome the situation (Bank of Ceylon annual report, 2020).

    1. Agreed and according to Nations Trust Bank annual report (2020). All training programs conducted through the online and bank own e-learning systems and participation percentage is 58%.


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