Performance Management


Performance Management

Performance management is defined as the process of ensuring the activities and methods utilized by the managers and output of the employees meet the goals and objectives of the organizations (Cardy, 2003).

Performance management is one of the key areas in human resource management which changes overtime by adopting to the present conditions in the world and workplaces. According to Barnett (2020) assessment focused approach of performance management has changed to people-based approach as it starts to look at performance management as a method to engage and develop the teams. On the other hand, HR – employee engagement aspect is also increased through the performance management. Barnett (2020) further states that more than 90% of business leaders agree with the facts of there are higher performance from the engaged employees as well as employee engagement becomes one critical success factor for businesses. Barnett in 2019 also has similar view that performance management and engagement need to be linked in order to get the best out of it for the companies as there is a strong link between employee engagement and overall business performances.

Due to the increasing awareness of employee engagement, it becomes a key practice in bank in relation to employees and it is very much evident in most of banks in Sri Lanka as mentioned in the previous blogs. Kao (2020) focuses on the emphasis on the performance management in the banking industry in the post Covid world where most of employees have to work remotely and put extra efforts and banks need to consider employee engagement when evaluating performances of the employees. Sri Lankan banking sector is far ahead as the banks already linked employee engagement to performance management after the pandemic.



Barnett, J., (2019). Why performance management and engagement should be linked. [online] Personnel Today. Available at: [Accessed 29 August 2021].

Barnett, J., (2020). How combining employee engagement and performance management fuels success - HRD. [online] HRD. Available at: [Accessed 29 August 2021].

Cardy, R. L. (2003). Performance management: Concepts, skills, and exercises. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, Inc.

Kao, S., (2020). Performance management in the banking industry in the post COVID world. [online] People Matters. Available at: [Accessed 29 August 2021].





  1. Agreed to some extent. Performance management system of an organization affect positively as well as negatively, further survey outcome of Rostam(2019), performance appraisals consider equivalent, sometimes perceived as a imposed supervision rather than development, designing and controlling is a monopoly of HR team. However as you also mentioned, working for a common goal clear understand about job expectation, regular feedback takes place and reward system align to performance make sense of improve productivity of employees (Handbook 5-PM "Performance Management and Awards Program", p2).

    1. Agreed with you and as per the Armstrong M. (2006) performance is not only for employees and if they performing better organization also preforming well. And same thing happened if not performing.

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  4. Generally, organisations positively affect employee performance; training and development can enhance employee performance and create a more committed workforce (Abogsesa and Kaushik, 2018). Further, I agreed with the argument

    1. Agreed, because of when employees performing better automatically organization performance also increase Armstrong M. (2006). That's why introduced training to develop their performance.

  5. Agreed Mr. Amila, Also A formal performance-management program helps managers and employees see eye-to-eye about expectations, goals, and career progress, including how individuals' work aligns with the company's overall vision. Generally speaking, performance management views individuals in the context of the broader workplace system. In theory, you seek the absolute performance standard, though that is considered unattainable (Cardy, 2003).

    1. Agreed with your statement and according to Armstrong M., & Baron A. (2005) its a process of management contribute to the effective management
      of individuals and teams to achieve organisation performance.

  6. Agreed with what you mentioned. Further, Performance Management is a tool which should be used in very careful manner since it may develop the organizational performance and it may create ambiguities among employees.

    1. Yes agreed with you. According to Marcus M. (2015) in the performance management one of the main element is Transparency. It may help to not to ambiguities among employees.

  7. Agreed with you while adding some more to the article, The systematic procedure of a performance appraisal help the immediate supervisor to set training, policies and program and It helps to analyze the strength and weaknesses of the employees since the organization can design the job efficiently to the employees. It will also be helping in framing future development programs to gain a developed and productive employee where an organization must carry out a fair and good performance appraisal (Creamer and Winston,1999).

    1. Agreed and Marcus M. (2015) also stated Some companies have ditched
      the rankings and even annual reviews, but they haven’t found better solutions. Deloitte resolved to design a system that would fairly recognize varying performance, have a clear view into performance anytime, and boost performance in the future.

  8. Agreed. Performance management is a corporate management tool that helps managers monitor and evaluate employees' work. Performance management's goal is to create an environment where people can perform to the best of their abilities to produce the highest-quality work most efficiently and effectively (Khathibul, 2018).

    1. Agreed and according to Abdul H. (2011) There are five major practices which affect on employee performance
      1.Job autonomy
      2.Organizational support
      4.Distributive justice
      5.Procedural Justice

  9. Performance management is vital for the effectiveness of the organization (Cardy, 2004) since it the focal point of getting the work done (Pulakos, 2009) an hence should be the main priority for Managers. (Lawler, 2008)

    1. Yes, performance management is vital for effectiveness of the organization. Abdul H. (2011) said Employee Performance means employee productivity and output as a result of employee development. Employee performance will ultimately affect the organizational effectiveness.

  10. Agreed, according to Cardy (2003),Performance management is defined as the process of ensuring the activities and methods utilized by the managers and output of the employees meet the goals and objectives of the organizations. As stated performance management is known as the activities or the measuring methods conducted to measure the outputs gained from the inputs given, if they have made the most out of the resources available

    1. Yes. According to Milkovich et al. (2004). Employee development leads to employee performance. Individual Performance of an employee will lead to the organizational effectiveness. And Organizational effectiveness refers to the achievement of overall organizational goals.

  11. Yes, Does the employee well-being have important implications both at work and for other aspects of an employees’ life? Of course! For years, we have known that they impact life at work and a plethora of research has examined the impact of employee well-being on work outcomes (Karapinar et al., 2019; Turban and Yan, 2016). What is less understood is how employee well-being impacts job performance. Evidence suggests that employee health and well-being are among the most critical factors for organizational success and performance (Bakker et al., 2019; Turban and Yan, 2016).

    1. Agreed and however according to Abdul H. (2011) Employee attitude and behavior refers to the responsiveness of an employee. When employee is nominated in
      different workshops, and training sessions, the employee attitude and behavior will determine the seriousness in training and development programs. The responsive employee will learn different skills which will increase the employee performance. Employee performance will affect the organizational productivity.

  12. Agreed, in any organization If employees performing well, it affects on organization's performance. That's why, any organization needs to more focus on Training and development because it play a vital role in employee performance, The terms "training" and "development" are interchangeable. It can, however, be distinguished from the others. Training is for specific job needs, however, development is about more than that. Development encompasses more than just actions that increase job performance (Nda, M.M. and Fard, R.Y., 2013).

    1. Agreed and according to Dixon (1999 )Employee learning explains the process of acquiring knowledge through curiosity to learn. It is a mind-set who has anxiety to get information. Employee learning will increase the abilities and competency of the
      employee . The abilities and competencies are helpful in employee performance and

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Performance management involves creating motivation and commitment to achieve objectives (Weire and Berghe, 2004). Producing these more proximal outcomes is a vital step in the performance management process. One variable that has been receiving increasing attention as a key determinant of performance is employee engagement (Macey et al., 2009). For example, designing the performance management process to foster employee engagement will lead to higher levels of performance (Mone and London, 2010).

    1. Yes and also Khawaja & Nadeem (2013) says organizations need to invest in continuous employee development in order to maintain employees as well as the organization success .

  15. According to (Clarrisa, 2018), employee engagement is one of the key ingredients for achieving high performance. It tends to that performance management processes should be designed to develop employee engagement as much as possible.

    1. According to Truss, C. et al. (2013) “engagement can invariably be a “win-win” scenario for both employees and employers.

  16. Agreed with you. I would like to add some opinion. The majority of organizations are competing to survive in this volatile and fierce market environment. Motivation and performance of the employees are essential tools for the success of any organization in the long run (OI Dobre). Empirical evidence demonstrates that motivated employees mean better organizational performance. (MT Lee, RL Raschke).

    1. According to Penna research report (2007) meaning at work has the potential to be valuable way of bringing employers and employees closer together to the benefit of both where employees experience a sense of community, the space to be themselves and the opportunity to make a contribution, they find meaning. Employees want to work in the organizations in which they find meaning at work.

  17. Agreed. It is very important for every organization to review the performance management process for their employees regarding aligning of the evaluation process, training, promoting and financial remuneration with the organization goals (Buckingham & Goodall, 2015).

    1. Yes and Abdul H. (2011) stated If organization culture supports employees, it will encourage employees to participate in decision making then employees would more develop and performance would increase.

  18. Informative Blog! Employee engagement is a big concern for every corporate company. SOS brings you the ultimate list of Online employee engagement activities for employees to keep remote workers connected and motivated.


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