Increasing Motivation of Banking Employees through Engagement

 Increasing Motivation of Banking Employees through Engagement

Employee engagement is identified as an approach which enhances the emotional and mental connection of the employees for the work and job. That is why there are high performances from the employees who are highly engaged with (Robinson et al., 2004). Employee motivation is one key outcome of employee engagement and it is clearly visible in the banking industry. This is evaluated from practical and academic perspective considering the banking industry in Sri Lanka.

In almost all the banks in Sri Lanka adopt various employee engagement practices and indicators related to employees of the banks such as employee satisfaction and employee retention are very high in the bank which imply their motivation working for the banks. That is why most of banks record over 70% of employee satisfaction and over 90% of employee retention at the banks. The adoptability of the banks to the current conditions and integration of technology in implementing employee engagement is one of the reasons for increasing the motivation of banking employees (Ranjana, 2008).

In regards to the academic perspective, Gamage (2020) identifies from her research which is intended to identify the relationship between the employee motivation and employee engagement in banks in Sri Lanka that there is a significant positive correlation between the employee motivation and employee engagement. In other words, it is identified if a bank implements more engagement practices, it leads to the increase in employee motivation in banks in Sri Lanka. This is a research based on private sector bank in Sri Lanka where the data collects from 88 executives working for the chosen bank.









Gamage, P. (2020). Employee Motivation and Employee Engagement of Executives: Evidence from a Private Commercial Bank in Sri Lanka, University of Kelaniya.

Ranjana. K. (2008). A New Beginning: The Turnaround Story of Indian Bank, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi

Robinson, D. Perryman, S. and Hayday S. (2004). The Drivers of Employee Engagement, Report 408, Institute for Employment Studies


  1. Agreed to your discussion points. Adding more ideas on that. A company with a highly engaged workforce will have happy employees who are dedicated to their jobs, resulting in increased overall productivity and fewer employee turnover. Therefore, laying down correct practices and frameworks to enable employee engagement is an area of high focus for (Vance, 2006).
    Kompaso and Sridevi (2010) highlights 10 areas of focus when defining a platform for creating a highly engaged workforce . They are listed as below,
    1. Well streamlined recruiting and on-boarding process
    2. Top down commitment from top leadership to the ground level workforce
    3. Effective communication
    4. Allowing right level of freedom to work
    5. Facilitation of required resources to get the job done
    6. Incentives
    7. Cooperate culture that promotes engagement
    8. Fair reconditions
    9. Effective feedback loop
    10. Training and development

    1. Agreed with your comment. And Irum S., et. el. (2014) says Organizations are trying to develop and motivate their staff to help achieve performance with various Human Resource methods and practices. Reward management system is the one of engagement tool.

  2. According to the local survey done by Ruwanewella & Gamage(2020), it is clear that there is a strong relationship among motivation and employee engagement of an organization and less attention will reduce both simultaneously. Also, they found that, both motivation and non-motivation rewards have positive impact to the employees. Job environment, benefits, empowerment concepts and recognitions can be considered as other factor of improving motivation and employee engagement (Khan et al , 2017).

    1. Yes agreed with you. There is a strong relationship between motivation and engagement. According to Marylene G. (2014) when engagement is high, motivation also increased.

  3. Yes agreed with the argument. Accordingly ana Rana Chopra (2019 p 142), employee engagement is gaining "vast and critical importance in today's highly competitive and dynamic business environment. An engaged workforce is a vital asset for the organization that contributes" its efforts to benefit the organization.

    1. Yes Amila, As per the Solomon M. & Sandhya S (2010) employee engagement closely linked with company performance. The companies with high engagements having higher employee retention and less turnover

  4. Well Said Amila, Also please note Employee engagement is a factor that positively contributes to employee productivity and organizational efficiency. It reveals that there is conceptual confusion in the meaning of employee engagement, because different scholars define the concept in different ways, and there are several related terms, such as job satisfaction, job engagement, job engagement, and organizational commitment. And organizational citizenship behavior has been used in the literature, whether synonymous or non-synonymous. Another issue is whether to determine employee engagement is an attitude or a behavior (Armstrong, 2010).

    1. Yes Chathuranga agreed and Solomon M. & Sandhya S (2010) says employee engagement clearly shows relationship between employee and employer also.

  5. I agree with your arguments. Numerous types of motivation gear like rewards are being set in sort to improve the efficiency of employees throughout their engagement in particular job roles (Khalil & Rehman, 2016).

    1. Yes and According to Robbins (2010: 109) motivation refers to the process by which a person's efforts are energized, directed, and sustained towards achieving a goal

  6. Yes. Employee engagement is according to Muthike (2016), the willingness of employees to work extra, trust the company and stand for success of the company.

    Further according to Cai (2014), if organizational commitment can be achieved then it becomes a positive source of encouragement to the employee to perform their best.

    Hence we can conclude that positive employee engagement will result in positive employee motivation which will result in success.

    1. Agreed and we can also say motivation is a driving force for someone to make the largest possible contribution for the success of an organization to achieve its goals Siagian (2002)

  7. Effective communication, learning and development, leadership, teamwork, job role, managing performance, people practice, customer focus, brand alignment, and career possibilities are all factors that influence employee engagement. Further, employees will be highly motivated if they have a proper leader who can give them clear instructions and show them how to address their problems. (Katili, Wibowo & Akbar 2021)

    1. Agreed but Abbas & Asgar (2010) stated successful managers are also successful leaders because they influence employees to help accomplish organizational goals. Achieving organizational goals, however, is not enough to keep employees motivated.

  8. Look this comment - Employee motivation and engagement are critical sources for employees’ high performance both in manufacturing and services companies (Boss, 2014; Kwenin,
    Muathe, and Nzulwa, 2013; Reilly, 2014; McMullen, 2013; Trus, Shantz, Soane,
    Alfes, Delbridge, 2013). Such motivation and engagement have to be generated
    by effective leadership with clear managerial concepts are critical to influence the
    employee behavior to bring company to success performance (Boss, 2014; Johnson
    & Nandy, 2015)

    1. Yes and according to Shamir et al, (1998) The more motivated the supporters, the more effective the leader; the more effective the leader, the more motivated the followers.

  9. Agreed. As you stated, employee engagement and motivation have a close relationship. Employee motivation refers to an employee's engagement to his or her employment, how invested he or she feels in the success of the company, and how engaged they are in their daily assigned activities (Vnoucková, L., and Klupakova, H., 2013). (uler, O.,2008) Motivation is a technique that reflects an employee's determination, focus, and enthusiasm.

    1. Yes Sampath and Well motivated and committed workforce feels that organization really value them and they are an essential and crucial part of organization
      which automatically increase both sides performance Mohsan (2004).

  10. Agreed with you. Motivation can be named as willing to do something and engagement is an activeness to do something for the organization. Both are much essential to get the high performance. But motivation & engagement are two different things(Ted Skinner, 2021).

    1. According to Abnas S. (2014) There is need for individuals that they must also be clear in their mind that which factors are motivating them and how these factors can motivate them and satisfied them as well at work place. Employees should be more concerned and open about this issue and they should also discuss their values with
      co-workers and can also be with their employer.

  11. Agreed with what you mentioned. Employee engagement and recognition can make people feel appreciated, engaged and happy at work.(Reucrof & Scott, 2015). It is evident that motivation has a direct impact on employee engagement as motivated employees will actively participate to achieve organizations expectations while highly being engaged to their job role.

    1. According to Nawaz S. (2014) Employee engagement is another factor proved to be attached to organizational performance outcomes. With dedication and happiness, employees at their workplace ensure that their organization attain a remarkable and visible competitive advantage. Workers with higher engagement to their organizations increase their retention and reduce staff turnover and absenteeism. Further, organization result will be accountable on productivity, customer satisfaction, saving costs, and profitability level will increase.

  12. Agreed, Bolman & Deal (2014), stresses the need for autonomy, inherent rewards, and influence to achieve employee engagement.

    1. Agreed and according to Bull (2005) when employees experience success in mentally challenging occupations which allows them to exercise their skills and abilities, they experience greater levels of job satisfaction. Incentives, rewards and recognition are the key parameters of today’s motivation programs according to most of the organizations as these bind the success factor with the employees’ performance.

  13. Agree and motivation and engagement have to be generated by effective leadership with clear managerial concepts are critical to influence the employee behavior to bring company to success performance (Boss, 2014).

  14. Thanks for sharing! Every organization realizes the fact that high employee engagement drives greater success and higher profitability. SOS conducts some fabulous Online employee engagement activities for employees to bring your remote team closer.


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