Advantages of Employee Engagement


Advantages of Employee Engagement

The popularity of the concept of employee engagement is mainly due to its benefits and advantages.

There are number of key advantages of employee engagement are stated by Wickham (2020) which are derived from various studies conducted in regards to the employee engagement. They are increasing employee safety, better employee health, happier employees, greater employee satisfaction, better home life, lower absenteeism and higher retention. It is also mentioned that greater employer loyalty, better customer service, better quality, greater productivity, higher sales, higher profitability and higher stock prices. From the advantages, there are some advantages which are related to the employee’s as they are improvements within employees. On the other hand, there are some benefits which are directly resulted in financial performances. Therefore, it is clear that there are vast areas of benefits from employee engagement.

deBara and St-Aubin (2017) state similar benefits to Wickham (2020) such as better team performance, increased employee productivity, higher employee retention, achieving team objectives, lower absenteeism, less workplace stress and lower risk of burnout.

According to Seitz (2019), there are number of advantages of employee engagement for banks. When the employees are engaged in banks, they can easily push the agenda of banks forward as they clearly understand what the bank’s goals are. That is because they are aware of that how their efforts impact on the outcome of their organizations. That is how there is higher productivity among employees in the banks. Seitz (2019) further states that practices like regular feedback and recognition, education and development, diversity and communication are the common engagement practices which are more effective for banking employees in order to obtain the said benefits.






deBara, D. and St-Aubin, N., (2021). 7 Benefits of employee engagement, and why it’s so important. [online] Officevibe. Available at: [Accessed 29 August 2021].

Seitz, A., (2019). Employee Engagement: Tangible Benefits and Best Practices From Banks Who Are Doing It Best. [online] Wisbank. Available at: [Accessed 29 August 2021].

Wickham, N., (2020). Why is Employee Engagement Important? 14 Benefits Backed By Research. [online] Quantum Workplace. Available at: [Accessed 29 August 2021].


  1. Agreed with the argument you have made. Employee engagement shows positive impact to the positive employee feeling about the organization and its values with positive attitudes (Robinson et al, 2004). On the other hand, Sake in 2006 and Balain & Sparrow in 2009 also illuminated that employee engagement positively effected not only job satisfaction with less turnover but also organizational performance.

    1. Yes. Solomon M. and Sandhya S. (2010) also said if there are more engagement, we can see the high employee retention and less turnover.

  2. Feeling engaged is good for workers. Happier, healthier, more fulfiled and motivated employees drive organizations with higher performance. Employee engagement has positive relationships with other business metrics, including customer satisfaction, productivity, innovation, staff retention, efficiency, and health and safety performance (CIPD, 2021). I agreed with the argument that you have emphasized.

    1. Agreed. According to the Tejaswi B. and Raya R. P (2014) employee engagement is path to organization success.

  3. Agreed, Employee engagement is critical in improving organizational profitability and facilitating customer service capabilities among employees, according to Osborne and Hammoud (2017).

    1. Yes, Swatee S. and Srivastava R. K. (2012) also stated employee engagement directly impact to organization profit and productivity.

  4. Agreed. As per the Swatee S. and Srivastava R. K. (2012) employee engagement strongly linked to employee turnover and customer satisfaction.

  5. Agreed with your argument. West (2005) argues that when individuals feel positive emotions, they are able to think in a more flexible, open-minded way and are also likely to feel greater self-control, cope more effectively and be less defensive in the workplace. Therefore it creates a positive organizational culture by which organization can archive its goals in faster pace.

    1. Yes Roshini and Robinson (2004) stated that personnel, job, organizational
      factors and employee past experiences may influence employee engagement levels

  6. Agreed. Further, Osborne and Hammoud (2017)'s research highlights the importance of employee engagement in driving organizational profitability and enabling customer service skills amongst its employees.

    1. Agreed, Macey et al. (2009) found that organizations with highly engaged employees show positive financial outcomes such as Return on Assets, Profitability, and Shareholder value.

  7. Agree with the content and according to Saks (2006), positive behaviors and outcomes will be the result of engaged employees with passion and energy. Hence the involvement/engagement in employees for organizational objective will create positive results.

    1. Agreed and Harter et al. (2002) also said employee satisfaction and Employee engagement and their relationship with business outcomes, suggested that employee engagement positively associated with customer satisfaction, business profits and

  8. Agreed with the content in your post. As explained clearly by Katili, Wibowo & Akbar (2021) employee engagement drives people to achieve better levels of performance. As a result, engaged employees believe that they have a significant impact on the firm, which will inspire them to go above and beyond for the organization.

    1. Yes and William H. et al. (2009) stated Individual’s sense of purpose and focused energy, evident to others in the display of personal initiative, adaptability, effort, and persistence directed toward organizational goals.

  9. propose that voice can in fact positively affect how employees are viewed by others, thereby enhancing their social status. Using theory on status attainment and the fundamental social perception dimensions of agency and communion, we suggest that employee voice will result in higher status evaluations by increasing the extent to which an employee is judged as confident/competent (agency) and other-oriented/helpful. (Morrison,2018)

    1. Macey et al. (2009) defines Engagement as “Individual’s sense of purpose
      and focused energy, evident to others in the display of personal initiative, adaptability, effort, and persistence directed toward organizational goals.”

  10. Agreed. Employee engagement has an impact on the processes of any company. The retention of key workers is critical to an organization's long-term health and performance. Customer happiness, organizational performance in terms of increasing sales, happy coworkers and reporting personnel, and successful succession planning are all important factors. (B.L. Das and M. Baruah, 2013).

    1. Yes. Gallup (2012) found that employee engagement predicts key performance outcomes such as profitability, turnover, absenteeism and productivity.

  11. Agreed. Engaged workers are more passionate, enthusiastic and happier. In competitive organization environment, engaged employees always bring the organization to higher level of performance. Also, they will make organization more sustainable work place (Floor Lewin, 2021).

    1. Agreed and Macey et al. (2009) has found that organizations with highly engaged employees show positive financial outcomes such as Return on Assets, Profitability, and Shareholder value.

  12. Having the right talent in pivotal roles at the right time is of strategic importance, making a difference to revenues, innovation and organization effectiveness (Ashton and Morton, 2005). A highly engaged employee will consistently deliver beyond expectations (Harter et al., 2002)

    1. Yes agreed with you and engaged employees exhibit a positive attitude towards peers, customers, and organization. Engaged employees exhibit an intense desire to stay with organization, strive for quality output and continuous improvement to better accomplish the tasks Aon H. (2012).

  13. "Employee engagement is one of the emerging concepts that
    will address multiple challenges organizations are facing
    such as attrition, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction,
    profitability, and business productivity" (Bhuvanaiah and Raya, 2014, p. 61) further explain the advantages of employee engagement.

    1. Agreed and according to Solomon and Sandhya (2010) employee engagement on organizational performance indicators or business outcomes such as profitability, customer satisfaction, company growth, productivity and others pointing out its benefits and importance to organizations.

  14. Yes, (Sheena, 2015) stated that, undoubtedly, in a world that is changing both in terms of nature of work and diversity of workforce, employee engagement demands significant attention as engaged employees could definitely be a source of competitive advantage.

    1. According to Penna research report (2007) meaning at work has the potential to be valuable way of bringing employers and employees closer together to the benefit of both where employees experience a sense of community, the space to be themselves and the opportunity to make a contribution, they find meaning. Employees want to work in the organizations in which they find meaning at work.

  15. Agreed, further, Research by Gallup in (2017) Employees join a company with expectations and desires. And when you fail to provide those, they start looking for better options. Therefore, engaging employees helps reduce the cost of turnover and improves retention.


  16. The importance of allowing an organisation's employee engagement strategy to learn, evolve, adopt and put into practice so that both employees and employers can fulfill their goals with mutual satisfaction. (Bedarkar and Pandita, 2014)

    1. Yes and Engaged employee consistently demonstrates three general behaviors which improve organizational performance:
      Say-the employee advocates for the organization to co-workers, and refers potential employees and customers
      Stay-the employee has an intense desire to be a member of the organization despite opportunities to work elsewhere
      Strive-the employee exerts extra time, effort and initiative to contribute to the success of the business
      Baumruk and Gorman (2006)

  17. I agree with you sumeera. From David Guest (2009) employee engagement will be manifested in positive attitudes ( for example job satisfaction, organizational commitment and identification with the organization) and behaviour (low labour turnover and absence and high citizenship behaviour) on the part of employees; and evidence of perceptions of trust, fairness and a positive exchange within a psychological contract where two-way promises and commitments are fulfilled.

  18. Wonderful blog! Small businesses and established companies are attracting towards virtual workplace culture for their remote teams, to varying degrees of success while ensuring a work-life balance. A virtual team building company, help organizations to engage their remote employees in various employee engagement activities.


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